The Fans of Mumo recently attended a world-premiere production of Caught at the Zephyr Theatre, a tale of love, marriage, and family values, written by David L. Ray and directed by Nick Degruccio. We were immediately introduced to the peaceful home of two lovers preparing their upcoming wedding, Troy (Will Beinbrink) and Kenneth (Mackenzie Astin). Upon hearing the news that Kenneth's bible-quoting, Southern bell of a sister, Darlene (Deborah Puette) and her beauty-pageant prodigy, Krystal (Amanda Kaschak), plan to make a surprise visit to their quaint home, we witness the journey of a modern family seeking balance between the values we cherish most, and the family we hold dear.
While often painfully reminiscent of our own personal experiences, the honesty of the play lies in its ability to maintain a running relationship between drama and comedy. A previous performer at Musical Monday's, Micah McCain delivers a fantastic performance as the ever-loving yet sassy-to-the-bone Splenda, relieving tension and anxiety in a manner only the closest friends know how, while Amanda Kaschak in arguably one of the strongest performances of the night, nails the line between southern sweetheart and California charming.
We highly recommend this new play, running until August 7th
at the Zephyr Theater 7456 Melrose Ave. 90046
at the Zephyr Theater 7456 Melrose Ave. 90046
For Discount Tickets use our Special MuMo Promo Code: MUMO 30% off any tickets
Box Office: 310-945-5786
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